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About the Crew


Crew: Patrick and Rebecca Childress
Hailing Port: Middletown, RI USA
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Patrick completed a solo-circumnavigation on Juggernaut, a Catalina 27 in his younger days. He has been published in most U.S. and many foreign sailing magazines, for both his writing and photography. He co-authored a book titled “The Cruising Guide to Narragansett Bay and the South Coast of Massachusetts”.

He holds his 500 Ton Masters Captains License, and is an active delivery captain and instructor. His Ham license is a General.

Patrick owned a home improvement business in Newport, RI but retired in June 2007 to cruise a second time around the world on Brick House.

He is also, most importantly, Captain of Brick House, AND married to Rebecca! (July 4, 2007)

Rebecca Childress (formerly Rebecca Taft) is an accomplished sailor as well. She has owned many boats ranging from a 17′ MacGregor, a Catalina 27′ and a 36′ Catalina, and now the Valiant 40 that she purchased a few years before meeting Patrick. (Lucky Patrick hah?)

Before they head out on their circumnavigation, she had completed numerous blue water passages between Rhode Island and the Caribbean and passages across the Gulf of Mexico. Cruising has included the Bahama Islands, New England, Nova Scotia, the Florida coast and the BVIs, all in preparation for the day she could circumnavigate.

Rebecca holds her 50 Ton Masters Captains License with towing and sailing endorsements. She is also a General Licensed Ham Radio Operator.

She met Patrick on her first NARC Rally from Newport to Bermuda. She had always dreamed of sailing around the world, and knew that a passage to Bermuda in November would teach her more about heavy weather sailing since it is usually rough that time of year.

Several years later when Patrick and Rebecca got together, they set their sites on earning enough money to cruise around the world together! Three years later, they had saved their money and were ready to move aboard!

Rebecca was a very successful Realtor in Newport, RI, and has an extensive list of Computer Certifications and experience as well.

After almost 7 years of exploring the Globe, they decided to add another crew member to Brick House. This was while in the island nation of Palau. We got Lily, a 7 week old practically wild little tiger kitten from a local apartment building. She has grown up on Brick House, learning how to sail ( the first time a freighter passed and stirred up a wake, she vomited at the wight of it. She hasnt beeen sick sine, even in 40 knots of wind!) She has learned how to fish, lets us know when people approach the boat, and has learned how to swim too.  With almost 5000 miles and 5 countries under her belt, she is a well travelled cat. When she gets to a marina, she decides its time for her too to see the world! I guess she takes after us!

Together, we make a great team taking our home around the world!

Vessel Make/Model: Valiant 40 #134 built in 1976
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