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One Comment

  1. Nicely done. And also a good reminder to your audience of how technology gets used in other poorer places. Many containers doing the Indo route actually turn off their AIS (and some of it may have to do with piracy or concerns around Diego Garcia). Most Americans unfortunately are rather clueless as to how so much of the world lives and then perhaps when they actually see it as expats (filtered through the crowds that are being associated with in those foreign lands) they turn into alcoholics! How do you educate people that their self righteous attitude in driving a Prius actually puts into motion a civil war in the Congo to mine the materials required for the batteries? None of these are easy questions, but if we fall into the trap of just seeing the shiny-happy, we fail to see the repercussions of our own large footprint on this planet.
    Chagos is a long way from the mansions of Newport. America is a rather new country in perspective and doesn’t have some of the centuries of history behind Europeans who have colonized and settled elsewhere. Is how we are doing things better? A simple twist of fate of where one is on the globe can lead to very different lives and ideas of what is or is not acceptable. Unfortunately, policy makers don’t even see a fraction of what you see.

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