
I can not tell you how many times in the last 2 weeks I have heard from friends who overwrote the data on an SD card in a camera, or who deleted the contents on the SD card because they thought they successfully transferred the photos to their PC.

You CAN get this data back!!! Even if you put it back in your camera and took some more photos! Even if you see no trace of them in the contents of the card!

We did the same thing with the SD card in Patrick’s camera a few months ago. We spent 3 days on a safari, and he lost the first 2.5 days worth of safari video because he overwrote the SD card. Everything gone.

I went through no less than 12 programs trying to find one that would work for the amount of photos I had and do a good job of recovering them. Many products recovered them, but they still had lines going across the screen, or only half of the frame was recovered. Patrick really wanted to make a video of our safari!

So I thought I would put reference to the tool I found to be the best one. I DID pay for the full version because I had so much data, and because I am quite sure this WILL happen again. It is nice to know I can always get the data back of of anything we delete by accident.

It is called the EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard. Another good tool for a cruiser or photographer to have up their sleeves!!

Click on this image to see the details, and get your copy today.

The link below may be all you need to get your files back this time…no need to sign up unless you think you will do it again…


If you have less than 2GB on the card, use this link for a free trial. It may be all you ever need. It will deliver a file to download and you can I nstall it right away, completely anonymously. This is how initially tried the product..the link is good, and I did get the first 2 GB back…it gives you a selection too of which 2GB you can have.

But if you know you had more than 2GB, and want to recover them without any further waiting, and want to have the best shot at recovering everything, Use this link to go ahead and buy it.   . Or for a MAC, use this link.

Note: These ARE affiliate ads and I would make a small commission if you baught them, but really, I just want to see someone get their photos back. I could be an affiliate of ANY software product out there, this is just the one Products of many that I tried and this one worked really well.

Here is the video Patrick made with the recovered photos. All but about 3 of the photos were lost on this Safari in Mikumi National Park, Tanzania, but are now found forever with this tool!

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Mikumi National Park Safari….the cheap way!

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