Looking for something Loving to get your favorite sailor for Valentine’s Day?  Check out the 10 most thoughtful, as well as useful gifts that will make your honey feel loved and appreciated for the sailor they are!  I know even as an old fashioned girl, that I would love ANY of these gifts to a box of drugstore chocolates or wilting flowers, and Patrick, my captain, would too!

1. Amazon Kindle- The new one! – Rekindle the romance by putting it in writing in black and white. Make it waterproof, and with twice the space… The non-glare “paperwhite” screen is perfect for reading in the cockpit. It’s energy efficient which is always good on a sailboat and can store thousands of books saving lots of space onboard!

2. Keep your honey warm and dry no matter what in some new Foul Weather gear. Rain or shine…he or she will know you want them to be comfortable and dry!

3. On a boat ecspecially, the way to a mans heart is through his stomach…why not get a Thermal Cooker?  It requires no electricity, and will make a non-cook in to a gourmet chef on a sailboat! You could even use it to make your love a wonderful meal without using much precious propane!

4. Nothing says “I love you and don’t want to lose you, like an EPIRB? Keep him safe at sea, and give him a way out if all shit breaks loose! !

5. Sharing is everything…Buy the book “It’s Your Boat too” for your reluctant partner. Sharing a common interest will keep you together forever! Geared more for the reluctant women than the reluctant man, there is still so much for both men and women to learn in this!

6 .  Want to remember your sailing forever? Why not buy your sailor a new GoPro Hero 7 Black ?Document your life together! Underwater, or strapped to the helm, this can make your adventure a form of income on YouTube too! Everyone wants a Sailing Channel, don’t they? EPIRB, Its Your Boat Too, reluctant sailor

7. Beer and Wine- Everyone loves to share these in a cockpit, but how about a new twist on Valentines Day…Have  A Barbecue onboard!
8. Instead of a picking out a fancy gold necklace, why not give your lover a wearable GPS Watch. This cool piece of  boat “jewelry” will make sure your honey always knows where he is with you!

9. Thinking about a ring this valentines? Why not a Life Ring? (With the other ring attached even?).  When your VIP puts this on, they will think of  how much you care about keeping them in the boat!

10. Dream together…get him a subscription for Cruising World, or her a subscription for Ocean Navigator

This Valentines Day, recognize the sailor you love with a Sailing gift…not just a box of Chocolates or roses…Get them something that says, “I get it…you are a sailor”!


Sailing Books Read on Brick House


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