Lead Acid Batteries can dissolve a sailboat!

Our latest video is out! So much work to take out the old corroded wood and build a new battery box! Share in Patricks misery as he sees just how extensive the damage is from these lead acid batteries!

Whether duribg rough seas, equalization, or every day use, the battery fumes while chargibg, or actual leakage, battery acid has ruined all of the wood in the battery compartment/battery box on our sailboat. Trojan t-105 batteries are awesome batteries, but the ecscaped battery acid has rotted everything and Patrick replaces the entire battery box in this 2 part series!

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  1. Were any of your electrical wires affected by the acid? With that much wood damage, I would guess that it was splashing around a bit. Acid + electricity = big time corrosion

  2. Hi…I think it may have been more the gasses than the actual liquid spilling, but I don’t know. We don’t see any electrical problems or corrosion , but we only have the battery connections in that compartment…the nearest electricals are behind a couple of (wood) walls and seem to be fine. Knock on wood. -Rebecca

  3. No apparent damage to the electricals…we certainly would like to clean up the wiring in there though…it’s been a bit of a spaghetti mess in there for decades!

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