Who wouldn’t love sailing?

Michael Hayward shows what a sailing man does when he loves a sailing woman named Rebecca Childress. Through hurricane preparation, a haulout, Coppercoat and Propspeed touchups, to extreme heat, and constant heartache, Michael never leaves…he never stops caring for his old girls.
Rebecca struggles to become a female sailor alone on her beautiful bluewater sailboat in Prickly Bay, Grenada, for hurricane season. Soon Rebecca will complete her circumnavigation aboard SV Brick House, but until then, she struggles through her relationship with Michael, a like minded, and kind sailing man…who does everything to show Rebecca just how much he loves and cares for her. But will Rebecca ever understand this? Or will she need to become a female singlehander? Not if Michael gets his way!

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  1. Dear Rebecca,

    You will go there where your guts tells you to go. Listen to yourself and be confident in your capacities.
    Lately I have been listening to Thich Nhat Hahn, I can recomend listening to his lectures. You will go home…to yourself and that will leed you the way.
    No Dogma, no crazy what ever…it is soothing, believe me.

    All the best and looking forward to more videos


  2. Lovin it, glad to see you two are still together!
    Just returning from a week on the Big Island.
    Steve 😎 🏝🤙

  3. Thanks Steve… yes..still bumpy, but still crazy about eachother!!!

  4. I will check it out! Need all the help I can get 🙂 Especially in the relaxing, soothing genre! But I AM listening to my intuition and to my heart now.

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