A woman sailor need not leave her boat behind when her husband passes away, while sailing around the world…she CAN continue on!

Leaving Cape Town after my husband died from Covid, across the biggest ocean yet, without the captain I sailed the last 75,000 miles with was daunting. The very thought of it causes immense anxiety in my life to this very day… but with some careful planning and assessment of the risks, I was able to prepare for a passage with another man…and to successfully cross the southern Atlantic Ocean, 6100 miles this past year. This is the story of what I did to prepare for such a task.
Well, I am finally back to writing articles after nearly 2 years of not…this time for Ocean Navigator magazine. Michael Hayward did much of the photography for it. You can view the article below on page 24
Did you know you can get free electronic copies of the latest editions of Ocean Navigator? Mine as well…Michael may have have an article in the next edition, and I will be writing more for the magazine as well…
One major mess up that Ocean Navigator did was to NOT give the photo credits to Michael Hayward… all but a few were from him..the best ones…
Hello Rebecca .
So good to hear from you again and a relief. I do hope all is well and you will be posting on a regular basis, this last leg across had to be difficult at times . Hope it’s warm where you are cus it’s snowing here and conditions at Berkshire east are near perfect.
Angus .
Berkshire East…wow..a blast from the past…a blast from the cold! I find writing easier than the videos…so will,probably do more writing…
Things are mostly well, though the stress and anxiety are a bit overwhelming keeping this life going…
Yes Rebecca
I can understand why writing would make more sense. While it maybe cold (single digits by morning ) the refit continues, slow but moving forward. So your next passage north still or staying in the warmer waters for now . Which ever the case looking forward to hear about them .
Looking forward to reading more articles by you!xx Claire
Hi,Rebecca. A well written article. You should write a book I would certainly read it! Take care, Wendy
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you so much for the opportunity to read your article. Well written, beautiful pictures. All and all à perfect narration of a journey. As well technically as emotionally.
So very happy also to read you are doing well and keep on going. I wish you an Brick House well and can not wait to hear more on your journey.
Warm greatings from Belgium…spring is on it‘s way🌻🌻🌻
Will stay south for a bit. Can’t bear the idea of being cold in the USA….life is so easy in the Caribbean.
Thanks Jeanne. Yes…I’m still struggling, but so happy to still be cruising…
Hey Wendy…thanks. A book sounds like a LOT of work..it takes me so long to write a 3 or 4 page article!
Ah..one of my Angels during covid…thank you for reading it! Hope you and yours are well!
It was good to see you back on the boat and now back on the page. Fair Winds from here on!
Thanks so much! Still struggling…but at least I’m still cruising 🙂 Anything worth having is worth fighting for!
Thanks! Sorry I didn’t reply sooner!!
I may do just exactly that then!!!