Finances When Cruising Around the World IMPORTANT UPDATE

FINANCES WHEN CRUISING AROUND THE WORLD…AN IMPORTANT UPDATE regarding the “The 3 Most Valuable Sailing Tools We use Sailing Around the World” (Original article here)

I have made an update regarding Transferwise in this article…regarding when you sign up…and the phone number to use when signing up. Transferwise is one of the financial tools I recommend for managing your finances as you sail around the world. It is a way to quickly pay in a foreign currency without exposing your credit card to fraud as you pay foreign businesses for products for your sailboat as you travel. I have used it for years with great success, and many many other sailors have too.

You MUST choose a phone number you will always have when signing up for Transferwise. If you should forget your password, they will need to use your listed phone number to reset your password! (Otherwise there is a security concern!)

I use Google Voice for my round the world phone number… It can receive texts and phone calls anywhere in the world. Skype hasn’t worked for texts for me. There are probably other products too, or if you keep you home cellular plan with roaming, or your same Satellite phone number that could maybe work too…but choose carefully! Google Voice for sure works and it’s free though you may need to put some small credit on it. I signed up 12+ years ago and have never put anymore money on it! But you MUST have access to a phone number in the US to initially set it up. I do not think a number on Skype will allow it, but possibly worth a try if you are not in the US, at a friends house or other. After the original setup, you do not need a US phone number anymore

Read original article about financial tools used on Brick House here: Original Article

Sign up to use Transferwise here. We each get a free transfer (but they are so cheap anyways…) when you sign up through this link.

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A little know Fact about Our YouTube channel: Patrick Childress Sailing

A little known fact about our YouTube Channel: Patrick Childress Sailing

Did you know we have a second channel? It highlights the Travels…and the Animals…of the places we visit…we stop talking…we just show you the places we have been seeing…forget about the sailboat…forget about fixing things…forget about sailing better…

Travels…and Animals…of the places we sail to!

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More Sailing Tips! Full Battens? Partial Battens? Hyperactive autopilot? Sailing Downwind? Storm Avoidance?

More Sailing Tips! Full battens or partial battens? Hyperactive autopilot? Sailing Downwind, Storm Avoidance? These and other sailing questions are answered in our last sailing video of the season, sailing to South Africa!

Please help us out and leave a comment on Youtube…What sails do you prefer using downwind? Why?

How do you get your weather at sea? Please don’t leave your comments here…please leave them on Youtube 😉

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