Fun with the Profurl Roller Furling!

For those of you tired of the sailing relationship drama videos, here is sailing life at its best…fixing your boat in foreign ports…

Fixing the Seized Roller Furler

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Latest Magazine Article -Ocean Navigator

A woman sailor need not leave her boat behind when her husband passes away, while sailing around the world…she CAN continue on!

Leaving Cape Town after my husband died from Covid, across the biggest ocean yet, without the captain I sailed the last 75,000 miles with was daunting. The very thought of it causes immense anxiety in my life to this very day… but with some careful planning and assessment of the risks, I was able to prepare for a passage with another man…and to successfully cross the southern Atlantic Ocean, 6100 miles this past year. This is the story of what I did to prepare for such a task.

Well, I am finally back to writing articles after nearly 2 years of not…this time for Ocean Navigator magazine. Michael Hayward did much of the photography for it. You can view the article below on page 24

Did you know you can get free electronic copies of the latest editions of Ocean Navigator? Mine as well…Michael may have have an article in the next edition, and I will be writing more for the magazine as well…

One major mess up that Ocean Navigator did was to NOT give the photo credits to Michael Hayward… all but a few were from him..the best ones…

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Farewell Patrick Childress – Sail in Peace my best friend…

This was a difficult video to make, both technically and emotionally, so excuse the technical aspects please…

Thank you to all who contributed!

The life of Patrick Childress was a life well lived, and this is seen repeatedly in this video. He will be missed by many, but by no one more than me.



How we Got the Money to go Cruising, and how you can get the money to go cruising


Patrick Childress – His Last Photographs of SV Brick House


Using Our Electronics -From Predictwind to our Raymarine Chartplotter to our Monitor Wind Vane to Sail the Wild Coast of South Africa!


















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