Marine Electronics on a bluewater sailboat… THEN… and NOW

In his latest video, Patrick explains how he navigated around the world with a sextant and a keel for a depthsounder on his Catalina 27. We then shows you what the marine electronics on Brick House started off with and now have evolved to. From Sextant….to Iridium GO! An old dog really CAN learn new tricks!

Make sure to watch this video and share with your younger sailing friends so they don’t forget how lucky they are these days!

I mean…look how easy it is now to get  weather!

Thaipusam Celebration – Very Painful, Very gruesome. True Religious Devotion for Hindus

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Who is Patrick Childress..and why a YouTube Channel?

7364 Subscribers, 34 videos, and over 3 millions minutes of watch time now!

Watch the video to find out why Patrick loves YouTube…And Read below for his background…

Who is Patrick Childress, and why a Youtube channel? Patrick and Rebecca Childress are sailing around the world on their 1976 Valiant 40,  SV BRICK HOUSE, one of the sailing world’s most famous Bluewater Cruising sailboats.

Patrick learned to sail when he was a young child, and has played around and worked around both sailboats and powerboats for half a century.  Rebecca didn’t learn to sail until she was in her 20s when the sailing bug bit her hard!p, but has been at it with both feet in for a few decades now. But we are both still really young!!!

Patrick completed a solo-circumnavigation on Juggernaut, a Catalina 27 in his younger days. He has been published in most U.S. and many foreign sailing magazines, for both his writing and photography. He co-authored a book titled “The Cruising Guide to Narragansett Bay and the South Coast of Massachusetts”. He holds his 500 Ton Masters Captains License, and is an active delivery captain and instructor. His Ham license is a General.

Captain Patrick Childress owned a home improvement business in Newport, RI but retired in June 2007 to cruise a second time around the world on Brick House.

He is also, most importantly, Captain of SV Brick House, AND married to Rebecca Taft, now Rebecca Childress! (July 4, 2007)

Rebecca Childress is an accomplished sailor as well. She has owned many boats ranging from a 17′ MacGregor, a Catalina 27′ and a 36′ Catalina, and now the Valiant 40 that she purchased a few years before meeting Patrick. (Lucky Patrick hah?)

Before meeting Patrick and heading out on this circumnavigation, she had completed numerous blue water passages between Rhode Island and the Caribbean and passages across the Gulf of Mexico. Cruising has included the Bahama Islands, New England, Nova Scotia, the Florida coast and the BVIs, all in preparation for the day she could circumnavigate.

Rebecca holds her 50 Ton Masters Captains License with towing and sailing endorsements. She is also a General Licensed Ham Radio Operator.

She met Patrick on her first NARC Rally from Newport to Bermuda. She had always dreamed of sailing around the world, and knew that a passage to Bermuda in November would teach her more about heavy weather sailing since it is usually rough that time of year.

Several years later when Patrick and Rebecca got together, they set their sites on earning enough money to cruise around the world together! Three years later, they had saved just enough money and were ready to move aboard!

First mate Rebecca became a successful Realtor in Newport, RI, and has an extensive list of Computer Certifications and experience as well.

Now they are both retired!

After almost 8 years of exploring the Globe, they decided to add another crew member to Brick House. This was while in the island nation of Palau. They got Lily, a 7 week old practically wild little tiger kitten from a local apartment building. She has grown up on Brick House, learning how to sail ( the first time a freighter passed and stirred up a wake, she vomited at the sight of it. She hasn’t been sick since, even in 50 knots of wind!) She has learned how to fish, lets us know when people approach the boat, and has learned how to swim too.  With almost 15,000 miles and 18 countries under her belt, she is a well traveled cat. On the rare occasion she gets to a marina, she decides its time for her to to see the world! I guess she takes after us!

Together, we make a great team taking our home around the world,

Here is a good place to start…and continue your sailing education:

YouTube Sailboat How To Videos…Tools we use for growing our sailing Youtube channel that have worked


Ever wonder if Patrick wrote any books in his life?

FLASHBACK! The Day We Untied the docklines and left



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YouTube Sailboat How To Videos…Tools we use for growing our sailing Youtube channel that have worked

YouTube Sailboat How To Videos…Tools we use for growing our sailing Youtube channel that have worked. Many ideas specific to Sailboats. To get right to the tools , skip to the icons at the end and click on any of the images that sound interesting. There are a lot of ideas and I keep adding more as I find them.

Youtube Sailing Videos…How does a Youtube Sailing Channel grow? “Sailboat Fixing/Patrick Childress Sailing” grew a lot last month, but can we keep it up? How do we mtake viral sailing videos every time? What are the tools successful  Youtube how to sailing channels use to succeed? These are the questions we have been asking ourselves. We spend almost every day now, working away trying to make a go of this.   Our Youtube Sailing vlog is here: Sailboat Fixing /Patrick Childress Sailing   . It’s mostly a “Sailboat How To Videos” Channel more than anything else…not as much about the destinations we sail to, as the things that we fix once we get there 🙂

We had a video go viral, which maybe was just lucky timing since we were close anyways to the 1000 subscribers/4000 Watch hours threshold. but it pushed our subscriber count and our watch hours over the limit and we were monetized, and now Youtube itself does a lot of the heavy weight lifting for us! But it’s still slow going.

Now in order to maintain the $50 or $75 a month or so that it looks like we will get without viral videos, we are trying different tools, watching YouTube creator videos and everything else we can find. We are going in 4 directions at once trying to find the right combination to grow it. Why? I’m not sure really. The promise of a few thousand dollars a year? The promise of being the next Delos? Patrick’s strong desire to educate new boat owners even if its for free? Just something to do in our retirement? I’m not sure..but we are forging ahead, full blown efforts now. Once the channel monetized and I saw a glimmer of hope, I joined in on the efforts…but up til then, it was just Patrick full time, and me, maybe 10 hours a week of helping to promote it. Bravo Patrick Childress Sailing!

Some other cruisers we know in similar situations are just trying to get to the milestone we have reached and have such great material but the word just doesn’t get out… They admire us. And of course we admire the Youtube sailing channels that have hundreds of thousands of views, or even tens of thousands of views on every video they make. We are all praying for more subscribers and to get out to the people who will watch our videos front to end to improve our watch time. We are working on keywords, and tags and hashtags and anything else we can figure out that we need to work on. This is all on top of Patrick working 70 hour weeks trying to get videos out in a timely manner. This is on top of cleaning the boat perfectly so that we don’t look like slobs when we are rich and famous some day haha.

One fantastic photographer and videographer…”Umadum Sailing” has a Channel Umadum Sailing on YoutubeIt should most definitely have more subscribers. We can’t figure out why it hasn’t taken off. What do they need to do to get more subscribers? Heck, what do WE need to do to get more subscribers? Why do these sometimes really bad boring sailing vlogs have 60,000 subscribers and 2 million views every video they make one?

These are the tools I have started using that have given us a  bit of lift and seem to have some effect on things. But of course time will only tell Maybe some big Sailing video gurus out there can give us some more ideas on how to grow our channel without working 20 hours a day and 7 days a week to do so?

TubeBuddy has probably been the most helpful so far of those that I have tried. If you have less than 1000 subscribers it’s half price. They have a free version too, but it doesn’t rate you in relation to your OWN site being able to rank…just in general…so the paid version I think is a good investment…click on it for lots of info. It’s very feature rich though MUCH better on the laptop right inside of than on a tablet application.


keyword finder

Sailing Blade

We edit movies with Magix Movie Edit Pro…Its what Patrick has learned…but we don’t really love it.


MAGIX Innovation that inspires True Creative Freedom

We use Magix Music Maker for music on the videos but again, we aren’t really crazy about it.


Full versioin of Music Maker for free. Download now!
Music Maker - Free Full Version

No link for this one but in IPad App Store…”YT Tracker”

Also this is a great tool for stats and comparative analysis etc. free 7 day trial…



Heard of Affiliate Links?  Here is what I think is probably my most exciting Affiliate program…since I think it probably pays the best. It even has some boating specific companies and other things that would work on a sailing blog or YouTube channel: Dint try to figure it all out. Just sign up, and then they send you easy to understand and implement emails and you are on your way before you know it.


I have not tried these 2 below yet…but they look promising…what do other people think? I’m considering them…I need all the help I can get! Please feel free to leave comments below so we can talk about this!

Agora Pulse


Update on 3/6/2019

Hands down… THIS is the tool that is working…VIdIQ is the tool to get! We now have 7500+ subscribers…8000 views a day instead of 800 that we had just 2 months ago…and views of 20,000, 40,000, even 150,000 on our videos! If you are starting a Youtube channel, DO NOT try to figure it all out yourself…get the right tools!



Who is Patrick Childress..and why a YouTube Channel?





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