Finances When Cruising Around the World IMPORTANT UPDATE

FINANCES WHEN CRUISING AROUND THE WORLD…AN IMPORTANT UPDATE regarding the “The 3 Most Valuable Sailing Tools We use Sailing Around the World” (Original article here)

I have made an update regarding Transferwise in this article…regarding when you sign up…and the phone number to use when signing up. Transferwise is one of the financial tools I recommend for managing your finances as you sail around the world. It is a way to quickly pay in a foreign currency without exposing your credit card to fraud as you pay foreign businesses for products for your sailboat as you travel. I have used it for years with great success, and many many other sailors have too.

You MUST choose a phone number you will always have when signing up for Transferwise. If you should forget your password, they will need to use your listed phone number to reset your password! (Otherwise there is a security concern!)

I use Google Voice for my round the world phone number… It can receive texts and phone calls anywhere in the world. Skype hasn’t worked for texts for me. There are probably other products too, or if you keep you home cellular plan with roaming, or your same Satellite phone number that could maybe work too…but choose carefully! Google Voice for sure works and it’s free though you may need to put some small credit on it. I signed up 12+ years ago and have never put anymore money on it! But you MUST have access to a phone number in the US to initially set it up. I do not think a number on Skype will allow it, but possibly worth a try if you are not in the US, at a friends house or other. After the original setup, you do not need a US phone number anymore

Read original article about financial tools used on Brick House here: Original Article

Sign up to use Transferwise here. We each get a free transfer (but they are so cheap anyways…) when you sign up through this link.

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Sailboat vs Tugboat: We prepare for a passage to Zanzibar, East Africa

Preparation for Passage On our sailboat to Zanzibar. Dangers for Sailboat in Africa – Patrick Childress Sailing videos #34. Preparing for a passage, on our cruising sailboat, a Valiant 40, one sailing preparation we do on a coastal passage as well as an offshore passage, is a complete sailboat engine room tour. We stow everything as though there will be a surprise storm at sea for our sailboat, check the weather and tides, plot our course, and leave at first light, one of our coastal sailing tips for all sailboats. Preparation for Passage is something we take seriously, whether for a coastal passage or an offshore passage. 

What are the dangers for sailboat in Africa? For one cruising sailboat, cruising at night without radar, sailing in East Africa is dangerous. Were the navigation lights too dim? Maybe he did not see navigation lights at all.

How dangerous sailing in Africa some people would say! But what are the dangers for sailboat in Africa? What are the dangers for sailboats at sea anywhere? Are sailboat crashes common in East Africa? Are Yacht accidents common everywhere in the world?

What happens when you hit a tow line? This cruising sailboat, while coastal sailing at night, when a boat hits a tow line, it is almost dragged under by the tow line during this yacht accident with a tugboat and barge. This is one of Tanzania’s most recent sailboat crashes, but the captain is hoping to win the battle with the tug boat’s insurance company. But who’s fault was it? 

Get an education before you leave the dock…Here are a couple of FREE online courses…Sailing Courses

Zanzibar Marina, Tanzania, East Africa – A month at the new marina!


Larry Pardey on SERAFFYN has become Ill. Wife and community honors him in a unique way.


#sailing #sailboat #sailingtips

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Valiant 40 Sailboat Tour (#3) Down Below Part 2. Water Tank Repair, Chain Locker, Marine Toilet, Electronics

We just posted our latest Sailboat How To Video yesterday.  We now have Closed Captions on our Videos which are being perfected daily.

Bluewater Cruising Sailboat Tour – Valiant 40 (Chain Locker, Water Tank Repair, Marine Toilet) Sailing Video #32

Another “Sailboat How To Video”/“Fixing Sailboats” video detailing 4 areas of fixing this old bluewater sailboat: 

  1. Sailboat Chain locker..a modification

  2. Sailboat Water tank repair instead of replacement

  3. Jabsco Marine toilet maintenance

  4. Headliner replacement (ceiling)

Patrick Childress, takes apart the Jabsco marine toilet and shows how to clean the deposits off, and lubricate the seals. He talks about how to restore a water tank on a sailboat instead of water tank replacement with epoxy and paint. He goes in to detail about the anchor chain locker and how to run the anchor chain further aft and lower. He also covers the replacement of the headliner. Rebecca debuts and gives a quick tour of the nav station and marine electronics aboard offshore cruising yacht, “Brick House”.

We have started a new YouTube channel…about the adventures we have in the countries we go to. We are NOT going to post those adventures on this channel anymore…. If you like those videos too…please check out our other channel at Our Other New Youtube Channel…The fun… And PLEASE…SUBSCRIBE TO THAT CHANNEL TOO!

This is Video 3 in a Valiant 40 Sailboat Tour

Part 1 :   (Above decks): Valiant 40 Tour Top Side

Part 2 : (Below deck): Valiant Tour 2 Down Below

Part 3 (Below deck part 2 #3) (This is the one you are watching now.)

Be sure to watch for the next video…the engine room…., or better yet subscribe and click the bell so you know right away when we have released the next video!

Here are some links for the Products seen in this video. 




Redport Halo Long Distance WiFi Antenna


Predictwind Iridium GO. Predictwind Iridium GO

Predictwind Iridium GO External Antenna Predictwind External Antenna

My articles on Predictwind and Iridium GO: 

The decision

Article 2


Offshore Navigator Article Jan/Feb 2019

Predictwind has a lot of info on their site too about the iridium GO. 

       Predictwind website


***As an Amazon Associate, as well as a Commission Junction Affiliate,  I may earn from qualifying purchases from links on this page. 

#PatrickChildressSailing #Valiant40 #FixingSailboats

Here is the other channel we have…the PLEASURES of sailing around the world…so many amazing places to see. We aren’t always fixing the boat in exotic ports…I swear…




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