Sailing the African Coast – Dodging Storms…Zanzibar and Southward







Sailing the African Coast – Dodging Storms…Zanzibar and Southward

Sailboat Brick House Prepares for a long, stormy passage down the coast of Africa, starting in Zanzibar. This is just the very beginning of the trip, and perhaps a harbinger for things to come? We arrive in Dar Es Salaam planning to spend several weeks, maybe even a month, enjoying ourselves in Tanzania, and getting the boat ready; provisioning, and fueling up for the long 1700 mile trip ahead of us to South Africa. Then we get some weather information and everything changes quickly!

Weather Program on SV Brick House

Hello Africa! Sailing through a Southern Buster from Mayotte to Tanzania

Mozambique In April, May and June



Zanzibar Marina, Tanzania, East Africa – A month at the new marina!

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