Sailing blog? Consider Using WordPress. I switched 4 years ago…

I run this sailing blog on WordPress. I use to use Sailblogs, and although it was simple, it didn’t offer enough to hold me couldn’t do what I wanted to do as I grew just a bit. I am not a programmer, and I don’t know html at all. I just like a simple platform to write my blog on. Lately I’ve liked to get a little fancy with it, trying out different things.

Whether it be a monetized Website with a storefront that you eventually want, or simply multiple photos in one blog post painlessly, or as a compliment to a Youtube Sailing Channel……WordPress can do what you what it to do, no matter how fancy you want to get.

Or just use defaults settings and make simple blog posts, with multiple photos, and anything else you want to do without a lot of fuss.

Do it from sea, with just SSB and Pactor modem, or with you sat phone, or your Iridium GO. WordPress lets you be as plain and simple or as fancy and sophisticated as you like…. The sky is the limit. It provides great stats if you are a number geek like me, great backup options if you mess things up sometimes like I do. It offers so many plugins (ways to add every option known to man on your site) and lots of instructions and live support. It’s become a hobby that I enjoy, though at times I wonder why…

Anyways…they are offering a better promotion than I’ve seen come in for a bit so thought I tell you about it in case you are thinking of starting a Sailblogs.’s an affiliate Link…why’s what I’ve used for nearly 4 years and I still like it. The code is at the bottom of the post.

You may want to just start a free a. Ount, let it sit, and as you get inspired with it, learn a bit more, and add a bit more. Or just start making posts and having fun today with it 😉 It’s a fun hobby, and it can help other sailors know what lies ahead..or use it to just simply let family know what is happening and where you are. Or simply, a log of your travels that one day you can look back at and smile when you see the photos and the funny way you lived while cruising ;).

I started with the personal plan 4 years ago, but quickly upgraded to the Premium for under $100 per year total. I enabled the ads on it right away, but took them right down because it was just so bad and invasive. Now Adsense ads are much much better, and it enables me to at least break even if not make a few dollars each month! It’s nice to have all the bells and whistles to play with, without really paying anything. The ads on this blogsite enable me to pay for this blog…not my time….but at least for the financial outlay to have the site to begin with.

Either way…there are many options out there for blogging. This one can really grow with you. Don’t just get the simplest, most free one you can find, or you will find yourself having to convert everything over to a more robust platform to do what you really want to do, later one…which believe me, is painful. Just start with WordPress. You won’t regret using it! Sailblogs was good for me for a couple of years. But WordPress has offered much more.

Also…if you have a Youtube Sailing Channel…DEFINITELY have a blog. You need something called “backlinks” to your channel. Putting your links on Facebook helps a bit. But having people coming from a blog is even better. Having your own blog is a backlink that really helps to get things kickstarted and makes Youtube pay a bit of attention to the results the post with your video gets. Our YouTube just monetized 2 months ago, after 10 months (Patrick Childress Sailing), and a lot came from this blog…and still does.

If you are about to start a blog…WordPress is offering a 20% off discount from This Sunday for about 2 weeks: Use this code when you check out: WordPress Website. Be sure to use DISCOUNT20 at checkout!

Begins: Sunday, February 24th

Ends: Sunday, March 10th

Coupon Code: DISCOUNT20

Promote:, Jetpack

WordPress Discount Be sure to use DISCOUNT20

Here is the Youtube Sailing Channel: Patrick Childress Sailing, if you haven’t already seen it a million times on this site!!

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