12 Ideas for Gifts for Sailors on your Shopping List

Wondering what to buy for the Sailor on your shopping List?   Here are a Ten Ideas for the sailor on your list…click any of them for more information, to order, or for some other ideas!

Remember, if the sailors on your list are full time cruisers, they only have so much room on their boat! Gifts should be practical. Best is to send cash so they can go on a safari, or take themselves out for a nice Christmas dinner. But if your sailor is close to home and you just don’t know what may be useful for them, here are some ideas!

If you don’t see something below, go to 

 They have a lot of ideas and sales around this time of year too. Shipping is very quick and can even be sent overseas.

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Most sailors these days would like to video what they are doing and where they are. This was Patrick’s Christmas gift this year after he lost his first one. He loves it, and the Hero 5, even though not the newest is really the best one in his opinion!



A good book, with good ideas for every sailor! We keep this onboard and get new ideas from it all the time.



We have one of these onboard so every device on or off the boat can have accurate positioning. Sometimes we even take it hiking with us to record how far we have walked 😉



Great on a boat…even

better in an anchorage!

Not only is this great for use on the boat, at night, but it’s great too for taking night walks on those dark islands we anchor at. Fun and purpose all in one!



We don’t have one of these. But given the option, it’s always what we feel about sailing!



We can not recommend this more highly. If your sailor will be anchoring a lot, this is a great stocking stuffer to make sure he keeps that anchor snubber in place!



Better hurry so they can engrave the boat name on it!



If your sailor is preparing to cross oceans, this book is something we not only have onboard but it has its own sewn cover for it to make sure nothing happens to it. One of the best books for a Sailor who makes a lot of Ocean passages.



Your sailor can keep this aboard and if there is a medical emergency,he or she won’t have to do it all by memory! Lots of great ideas in this book for both preparing to go offshore, and actually having something happen when away from the doctor!


If you and your sailor are planning your world cruise and want to be sure not to skip some of the best spots, this is your book!

12.Or a gift card to West Marine…by clicking here:

 They have a lot of ideas and sales around this time of year…and the sailor won’t be able to decide to go out to dinner instead! They will appreciate this later on when they have something nice for their boat!

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Larry Pardey on SERAFFYN has become Ill. Wife and community honors him in a unique way.


I don’t know about the rest of you…but Lin and Larry Pardey had a profound influence on me as I was preparing to go cruising. While I never felt I could cruise quite as simply as they did, the books they wrote entertained me, and were a part of my sailing education. Larry has fallen ill, and is in the final stages of dementia, etc. It is hard to see one of our icons leaving us…I find it rather nice that she is not waiting til after he has left us to make this tribute. If there is an ounce of understanding left, he will so appreciate this final parting gift.

This is from Facebook from Lin ————>

“My publishing partner is helping me raise funds to maintain and expand the Larry Pardey Observatory by doing a special pre-publication offer for the just-now-being-printed Tribute edition of Cruising in Seraffyn. I have pledged all profits from this book towards the Observatory. Though it looks impossible to get this book as a stocking stuffer in time for Xmas, Paradise Cay is offering anyone who orders one now, to buy any of my five other narratives for just $10. I’ll put any profits from the sale of those books towards this fund raiser too.

Here is the link – he just added a place for anyone who would like to help with my fund raiser.
Special Offer

Here is the Press Release Paradise Cay Publications has just sent out announcing this new edition

For immediate release, December 12, 2018

Larry Pardey Observatory to receive profits from Tribute Edition of Cruising in Seraffyn

“This book launched my cruising dream,” stated the editor of Sail Magazine. “And it probably launched 50,000 others as well.” Cruising in Seraffyn became an instant best seller when it was first published and is now considered a cruising classic, one that continues to inspire cash strapped dreamers as well as those who already have their “perfect” boat but are concerned about crossing their first ocean. After its authors, Lin and Larry had been voyaging for more than 47 years and 210,000 miles including both east about and west about circumnavigations, Larry’s health began to fail. Parkinson’s and encroaching dementia brought them back to settle at their home base in a small cove on Kawau Island in New Zealand. One of Larry’s great joy over the six years, before he required full time professional care, was watching the youngsters from Camp Bentzon, which shares their cove, as they learned to sail, kayak, and discovered the joys (and pitfalls) of life and water sports. (Camp Bentzon is a not-for-profit youth adventure center owned by the children of New Zealand)

It was shortly before Larry moved to a care facility that Kenny Thorall came to visit. Fifty years previously and a year before Lin came on the scene, Larry and Ken had formed a team, delivering boats together, repairing them. Now Ken, who had gone on to become a professional Alaskan bush pilot, wanted to do something to memorialize the man who was, in his words, “the best friend any one could have and an amazing sailor.” He donated the funds to create an Observatory at Camp Bentzon after learning that it would give almost 5000 youngsters a year a chance to see the stars that lead him and Larry across oceans together. A year ago, the Larry Pardey Observatory was completed and outfitted with four telescopes plus 15 sets of special high-powered stargazing binoculars. Since then more than 100 children each week have had their first chance to explore the night sky far from the light pollution of the big city.
As Lin once again picked up her offshore sailing life, she felt it was time to pay tribute to the man who introduced her to a life-long passion, voyaging under sail. It has been Larry who encouraged her to write the first of what became 14 books on voyaging and seamanship. Her goal, as well as Larry’s has always been to encourage others to take risks and expand their horizons. Thus her passion for Camp Bentzon and desire to support and expand the Larry Pardey Memorial Observatory by donating the profits from this book. This Tribute edition of Cruising in Seraffyn has been updated to include a new introduction, updated guidelines to breaking away on your own adventure and sixteen pages of color photos. The appendixes have been updated to include information on what cruising costs today, details of what worked best on Seraffyn, what could have been better, plus the history of this famous little ship once her eleven year, engine-free circumnavigation brought Lin and Larry back to California to build her big sister Taleisin.”

I hope you will support the efforts…I know I will!

For more information on the Larry Pardey Observatory and Camp Bentzon use the following links:

Link 1

Link 2

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Indian Ocean Crossing, The Preparation


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7 Valuable Sailing Tips for a Long Range Cruiser

Patrick Childress has put another great video together. He talks about how to prevent water from coming in the hawespipe, the portlights, the hatches, as well as how to better hand your lines, books to have onboard, and two others I can’t remember right now that can help beginner and experienced cruisers alike. Be sure to subscribe to his channel and give a thumbs up to it too…

Click Here for “7 Valuable Sailing Tips for a Long Range Cruiser”

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