A little time off for a safari, in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

We went on a safari this month, as you may remember from a Previous Post, but here is the background on it, as well as Patrick’s great video!

Mikumi Village and Mikumi National Park

One reason for our trip inland to Mikumi, was to meet and talk with Ludovic Saronga’s students at the VETA school in Mikumi village, 6 hours inland. This is a community college/trade school. We lost most of the pictures we took here, but it was interesting to see the tools and educations that students in Tanzania are able to obtain to further their educations. Anything from Tourism/Hospitality, to Computers, to Tailoring, to Metallurgy to Carpentry and Electricity is taught here.

I met one young man at the computer workshop that was really struggling. He didn’t understand the assignment, and begged me to help him with it, since I had introduced myself to the class as being one of the first 100 women in the United States to obtain my Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer certificate. I was a bit helpless in solving this Excel Spreadsheet assignment though, but hopefully he didn’t notice since he was even more lost than I was.

How do we insert the formulas in this Excel Spreadsheet to get average scores for the students? That was the puzzle. Especially tough without the best grasp of math and what AVERAGE actually means!

Ludovic is not only the head teacher at the Community College’s Tourism and Hospitality School, but he also runs the Mikumi Tourism Board at the school. He has always worked in Tourism, and was a guide for many years. He is near retirement but is still active and plans on building a camp right outside of Mikumi National Park in his retirement.

Ludovic found a place for us to stay inside of the park that is NOWHERE on the Internet, and is considerably cheaper than other things in the park. You could easily stay outside of the park for cheaper…but being inside the park, as the night animals start to come out to compliment the beautiful African sunset…is extremely beautiful, so I strongly recommend staying inside the park at least for one night. It’s also ideal for an early start the next morning so you can see the lions ending their hunts for the night!

It was something like $125 per night for 2 with meals which were pretty good. The accommodations were comfortable and clean, and we could see the animals while we had our sundowners.  Ludovic also found us a driver with 2 great kinds of vehicles to take us around who knew a lot about the animals and where to find them. Masu was a great guy, who went out of his way to get us up close to the animals. The video is below…

“Ludovic Saronga” is on Facebook/Messenger and his cellphone is 0755067122. Just tell him you are a cruiser like Rebecca and Patrick and he will understand what you are after 😉 He has offered  to help other cruisers that come though Tanzania, and will probably want you to meet his students too, since international visitors, traveling on sailboats, tourists of another breed, are very good for his students to meet.

Here are some photos, as well as  Patrick’s video of going to Mikumi, and our safari, as well as some of his other videos too. We hope you will subscribe!

Above: Patrick’s awesome video despite overwriting his SD card!

Hello old friend!
I am not so sure about you…but if you stay in that vehicle I may come closer for a closer look!
Water at long last!
Careful…a lion could sneak up if you take too long of a sip!
The gorgeous colors of Mikumi National Park
What a way to end the day!

We will definitely do some more safaris in Africa…it’s just a matter of time! Let us know if you want to see other posts like this one!

What Camera did Patrick lose, and have to buy again? Click on the link below for details of WHICH Go pro camera he bought, even with newer ones out, because he considers it the best one…


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